A representative from Calyos will reach out to you to plan an introductory web call where they will explain how our technology works and demonstrate the applications and benefits of it.
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Our totally passive heat transfer system requires no fans and no pumps - saving power for critical usage.
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No pumps, no water, no short-circuits = no problems. Our systems are designed to be maintenance free.
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Less components = less weight. This ensures maximizes efficiency and can create more space for power systems.
Regardless of the market, the same applications have ever-increasing cooling requirements.
Advancements in battery chemistry combined with demanding user needs such as fast charging are resulting in battery packs becoming increasingly difficult to thermally manage.
Learn MoreNew technologies and packaging requirements are resulting in smaller and smaller electronics that produce more and more heat.
Learn MoreAs vehicles become software defined processors designed for data centers are now required in harsher environments such as defence, aeronautics and passenger vehicles.
Learn MoreComputers are well established as critical tools to enable modern-day work, they must be ultra-reliable with zero-maintenance and traditional cooling methods have reached their limits.
Learn MoreAdvancements in nano-technology (including GaN & SiC) are creating components with ever increasing heat density, combine this with the need to reduce packaging weight and volume and power electronics are increasingly difficult to thermally manage.
Learn MoreAdvancements in nanometer lithography combined with demanding workloads from AI are resulting in computer processors that are producing more waste heat at an increased density.
Learn MorePassive & Pump Free
Ultra Reliable & Zero Maintenance
High HTC & Low Thermal Resistance
Loop heat pipes
There are thousands of use cases for our technology. Here we have selected a few examples to give you an idea of how our solutions can be used. Don't be afraid if you have something different - reach out to us and we can validate the application through an initial feasibility analysis.
request feasibility AnalysisSpecialized Equipment
Specialized Equipment
By working side by side with our clients, Calyos can pair our knowledge and experience with our clients understanding of their application. This allows us to continue to develop innovative cooling systems that are viable in terms of mechanical design, cost and thermal performance for real-world applications.
Our experts enable us to produce
proprietary wick structures that maximize capillary pumping. We meticulously select fluids and fine-tune vaporization and condensation processes to deliver exceptional performance that Calyos is globally recognized for.
Calyos' advanced modelling capabilities integrate physics-based simulations with complex models derived from empirical test data. Two-phase modelling is not easy and this crucially ensures accuracy balancing theoretical precision and real-world validation.
Calyos' patents and exclusive know-how enable robust designs, that easily mechanically integrate with your application while remaining cost effective to manufacture, assemble, fill with fluid and install.
In combination with our own facility and testing laboratory, Calyos has relationships with industrial partners in different regions and for different markets to meet the mass production needs for our clients.
Calyos produces other technologies that could be equally relevant for resolving your thermal challenges. Check them out.
Traditional HPs are beautifully simple and provide incredibly low thermal resistances.
Learn MoreMCHPs are a hybrid HP-PHP solution that remains a simple and lightweight ultra-efficient cooling solution.
Learn MoreAlso referred to as Oscillating Heat Pipes, Calyos is working hard to mature this newer technology.
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